Thursday, May 21, 2009

Last Day

Today was my last day at a job I've worked at for over three years. It was weird, I've read countless "last day" letters, and I had the chance to write my own. Here it is, in almost it's entirity:


I come to you with a heavy heart as today is going to be my final day with the company...again.

I’ll be moving out to Los Angeles after working for over three years with you fine folks. I’m going to be launching a unique business opportunity. It involves getting two people to give you a bit of cash, and having those people find two more people a piece to give them cash, and so-forth and so on. I’ve been told it works excellently! And we will all get rich.

Anyway, thanks goes out to all of you that made my time here toiling behind the video camera a lot of fun. I’ll have fond memories of dressing Andy Messner up in a monkey suit and nearly killing him. Or the time we dressed up Andy Messner with a fanny pack and soaked him with water. Or the time we launched a skateboard into Andy Messner’s shin.

Or the time I brought my cat Uday up to the office after hours where we shot a video involving a wheel chair, a cat, a disco ball, karaoke and a girl in a bikini. (For reals.) Fond memories.

So, thanks for everything Aspyr, you have been interesting to say the least.

If you want to keep in touch, there are a few different ways, I’ve got a couple of blogs. For you cat lovers, you can follow the antics of my cat Uday on Uday a Day: Or if you want to follow my antics in California, you can at

For serious, I’m going to be living in Los Angeles working with I Am 8-Bit making some really cool stuff for the video game world to enjoy. If you are ever out in the area, let me know, I’ll let you buy me a beer or three.

Until then though, play me off keyboard cat!

-Jack Pattillo

Insert tear here.

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