Thursday, May 21, 2009


So, apparently California is excited to have me as there have been FOUR EARTHQUAKES IN FOUR DAYS there. Awesome. I've never been in an Earthquake, but I have been on the Earthquake ride at Universal Studios, so I count myself prepared.

Had a few people come look at the house for possible rental, now just waiting on someone to make a solid declaration of YES, WE'LL TAKE IT and then pretty much all my loose ends in Austin will be tied off. I hope that happens before I head out, I'd hate to have to work that crap out while I'm away in L.A. Not fun at all.

Oh, and I stumbled onto something awesome today while doing my usual internet searches. Check out Will Smith rapping the Men in Black song over a ukulele. You never quite know where the MIBs is at.


  1. Perhaps God is preparing to break California off into the sea just to spite you...

  2. I hope you don't get shaken baby syndrome while you're there.
